Douglas Keller
Roles: lighting design, choreography, performer, props and grip
Member Since: 2008
Doug has been followed by his shadow his entire life. No matter how hard he tries he just can’t shake it. Even while acting in 30 Rock, The Real Face of Jesus, and several made for TV German movies his shadow is always there vying for the spotlight. Lucky for him since joining Cave Dogs in 2008, his shadow has been able to take center stage and keep the peace between them. He has led workshops at: The Academy for Untamed Creativity in Copenhagen, Denmark, The Academy for Modern Circus in Copenhagen, Denmark, The State University of New York in New Paltz, NY, Alfred University in Alfred, NY. A graduate of SUNY Albany (BA in Sociology) and Manhattan College (MA in Counseling), during daylight hours you will find him living in Kingston NY working as a Program Director for The Institute for Family Health in and providing suicide awareness and prevention training across New York.